Research Outputs

Workshop Papers

Optimal Task Generalisation in Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

CoCoMARL Workshop - Reinforcement Learning Conference 2024

While task generalisation is widely studied in the context of single-agent reinforcement learning (RL), little research exists in the context of multi-agent RL. The research that does exist usually considers task generalisation implicitly as a part of the environment, and when it is considered explicitly there are no theoretical guarantees. We propose Goal-Oriented Learning for Multi-Task Multi-Agent RL (GOLeMM), a method that achieves provably optimal task generalisation that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been achieved before in MARL. After learning an optimal goal-oriented value function for a single arbitrary task, our method can zero-shot infer the optimal policy for any other task in the distribution given only knowledge of the terminal rewards for each agent for the new task and learnt task. Empirically we show that our method is able to generalise over a full task distribution, while representative baselines are only able to learn a small subset of the task distribution.

See Paper

More to come!

Technical Reports

Analysis of the Effects of the Electoral Amendment Bill

Haldan Lynge and Simon Rosen - Commissioned for Independent Electoral Commission

This paper presents the findings of an analysis of the Electoral Amendment Bill and the claim that the Bill violates section 46 of the Constitution, demanding that the electoral system “results, in general, in proportional representation”.

See Paper